International Cuisine
"Yikes, I've never eaten that ...", "Mh, what's the name of this dish?", "Do I have to eat this now?", "Can you eat it?" The GrIStuF Running Dinner will be international this year. What you get on the table will be more exciting than Jägerschnitzel, sausage goulash and co.
The countdown is on - the date for the Greifswald International Students Festival is 16th - 22nd June 2018. Based on our festival theme "Beyond Borders - Where are Your Limits?", we are organizing this year's Running Dinner under the motto "International Cuisine". Let yourself be surprised by moules, paella marineras, sushi, kebab, poutine, pilaw and lasagna. For dessert you will be spoiled by tiramisu, cream brûlée, baklava, gulap jamun or one or the other interesting dish.
The Running Dinner, an interactive three-course meal experience, has become an integral part of each semester. Get to know new people, delicious food and then at the Running Dinner Party at the IKUWO (from 23 o'clock) maybe dance a bit the calories, what more do you want?
More information and registration (from November 24th 2017) at: